Monday, August 5, 2013

Took a walk through the forests an hour ago. I love dusk. I love the last breath of the day before full night comes on. I needed to take a break and clear my head as the writing is not going so smoothly. My thoughts are in disarray, and my souls worn a little thin. I'm trying to vaseline the gums and put on a bright smile after the recent turn of events, but it would be a lie to not say there is a part of me which is just not feeling it. In the fullness of time I may understand why things have gone down the way they have, but right now I have no such illumination. This is why I take time out to watch sunsets and lie in the still warm fields, far away from the lights of the village, and lose myself in the Milky Way, which is so bright up here it looks like a spine of stars curving across the universe. These are the moments that are important. These are the moments that quiet my soul and stir the creative fires. The stillness in these spaces is what I cannot let go of...

I also saw my first badger on my way out in the lower fields. Being a former Angeleno I stood stock still because I thought it was a skunk at first. It took a good long look at me and then turned tail and ran. What an adorable creature. And last night I caught sight of a hedgehog turning the corner on one of the village streets. A few nights ago while out stargazing I had another face to face encounter with a rather large sanglier. They are such shy and beautiful creatures and despite the terrible things people say about them, they aren't dangerous in the least.

So this will be the place where I post the stuff I won't on other social sites. It will be one part confessional, a place to store the remnants of dreams and ideas, to update news and other creative projects I'm working on. Hopefully it will be a place to celebrate, but it will also be a place to unload. I'm rarely in-between on things and never neutral on subjects. I take chances and reach for the stars and often fall flat on my face, but I am learning to let go of things beyond my control and trust in the process of creating. It's a learning curve and a journey. I'd like to think it's a beautiful journey, but the truth is it can be very hard at times. But that's what a quest is all about. It's about finding yourself, spreading your wings, and flying further than you ever thought you could go.

I hope you will join me here...

From where the worlds touch.

Scarlett - xx

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