Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Otherworld and more!

The sun is out this morning. It's still bloody cold for the supposed dog days of summer, but the world seems all the brighter waking up to a brilliant review from the Hollywood Reporter about 'L'Autre Monde' (The Otherworld) which is a new feature length documentary directed by Richard Stanley and co-written by yours truly ( I also appear in the film to tell a very strange tale indeed!), shot by Karim Hussain, edited by Pat Tremblay, scored by Simon Boswell, and produced by Metaluna Productions.

I'd like to take a minute here to give a huge thank you to the crew, and everyone else involved with the film. It's been a labor of love for many who've given freely of their time and talent. And a huge thank to the people who appear in the film for sharing their stories and belief systems connected to this deeply strange and beloved corner of the world.

In other news... L'Autre Monde will be making its European Premiere at the L'Etrange Film Festival Edition XIX in Paris on September 10. Follow the link here for screening times and venues:

And in other, other news... I just received this pic from one of my favorite photographers, Jan Piere Texier, from a shoot done a few months back. He calls it 'Callipyge' (which is a polite term for very curvy bottom).

Someone else called it 'un couer ardent a écouter battre'... 'the ardent heart beats loudly'... I'm kind of in love with that thought...

The next installment in the Saurimonde series is beginning to take real shape and this book promises to quite another ride. More news on that subject coming very soon!

Much love from where the worlds touch,

S - xx

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