So I've finally done it -- I've taken the plunge and joined the Patreon platform. Let's see how well I do because I've never been that savvy at social media and yet, I keep on trying. Of course, me being me, I pushed the publish button about a month ago before I was anywhere near ready -- kinda the story of my life. So I've been busy working on the next book. The outline is finished, but modern-day Paris doesn't want to geographically correlate the way I want it to -- dammit -- why can't the topography just obey my whims and reshape itself accordingly? After writing two books last year it feels kind of like ripping the flesh off my tongue with a Popsicle stick starting another one. I probably shouldn't say things like that but it's true. None of the characters have their own voice or style yet, and they certainly aren't talking to me, nor to each other -- they're only vague, shadowy outlines, grumbling quietly in the outer recesses of my imagination. I always dread beginnings. It's ridiculous because every story must have one. I'm much happier polishing existing material, or creating bombastic dark fantasy sequences. Now that I've furtively collected the necessary technology and learned to apply it (hence why I've been absent on the social sites lately -- I've been busy learning new things so I can further my preternatural agenda) I'm going to share some of the esoteric research permeating the new book in a web series called Lux in Tenebris on my Patreon page starting the middle of August. It'll consist of some of the more curious esoteric gossip abounding in fin-de-siecle Paris and other inherent mysteries. The first episode, entitled 'Cursed Again!', will feature warring necromancers and authors using black magic and such -- and maybe a little mind-crunching alchemy. Okay, they'll be a lot of mind-crunching alchemy, but not to start with -- even I'm not ready to head down that rabbit hole yet. But I hope you will join me there. Like always, I'm approachable and open to suggestions, but keep it to the La Belle Epoque if you can -- think Fulcanelli and company and we'll be in business.
Here's the link!


And the new Lux in Tenebris merchandise is in! You can find more about it HERE!
I'll still be posting some on this site, but I will be spending more and more time over on Patreon with the new series. Come join me for this new adventure -- I would love to see you there!!!
And in other news... I've got a new article out in always fascinating The Heretic Magazine called 'Gloraie to the End of the World (in the blink of an eye)' deconstructing the apocalyptic imagery in the enigmatic paintings of Juan Valdes Leal. There's a little Fulcanelli thrown in there, along with the mystery cross of Hendaye, warnings about the end of the world, Harpocrates, and the Kali Yuga. You can find out more HERE.
By fire we are born anew...
Much love from where the worlds touch,
S -xx
p.s. I decided to stay in LA for the summer. Obviously, I am not regretting that choice one little bit...
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