Saturday, October 12, 2013

Magical Mystery Trail...

I've been here. I've been there... Actually, I've been finishing up a couple of projects and embarking on a new one which I will be announcing soon. Time has become more scarce than I would wish it to be. In a perfect world I would get up (notice I skipped the word morning), take a long walk through the forest, and have a croissant and some cafe au lait. Then I would sit down at my desk, in my comfy chair, and get down to business and put all the crazy thoughts crowding my brain down onto the page. But who's world is perfect? Certainly not mine. In my existence it's a beautiful and sad fact that chaos reigns.

So I figured as I'm up pulling another all-nighter that I'd make a couple of announcements:

Next stop on the magical mystery trail. The new mind-wrenching documentary, L'AUTRE MONDE (THE OTHERWORLD), will be playing at the Sitges Film Festival on Tuesday, October 15 at 16:30 at the Prado. Please come and join myself (co-writer), director Richard Stanley, composer Simon Boswell, and producer Fabrice Lambot (Metaluna Productions) for the screening. Then, because the dagger never stops spinning, it's onwards to The Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (LUFF) where it will be screening on October 17 at 22:30 (Paderewski), and October 19 at 16:15 (Zinéma - Salle Thierry Jobin). Be there or be square!

Speaking of being square, I'm still wondering what to wear and staring at my clothes in horror as I always do before a film festival. I don't hate them. They don't hate me - they're just well-worn. I need to be seriously hit up by the glamour fairy and she seems to have headed to south with the warm weather. It's nothing a little spackle and possibly a beach can't fix. It'll do. It'll have to. 

I've gotta run... Planes, trains, and automobiles to catch and connections to make... 

Much love from where the world's touch,

S. - xx

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