I've been on the road for what seems a million miles by now. From France to Belgium than back to France to Amsterdam and then onwards to the city of lost angels. After catching my breath out in the desert for a short while, I hopped a train down to LA to make some plans for the future and get a couple of other things worked out. I have a love / hate relationship with this city like I have with a lot of things in my life. I don't like gray areas and have the inclination to see things in shades of black and white. I love all my friends here and there's a comfort in things which are familiar, but then I get overwhelmed by the vastness of it all, and I know deep inside my soul does not really resound here. Have you ever felt like an ant on a giant chessboard? That's the feeling of panic which overwhelms me here sometimes. It's irrational and unreasonable, but this place is just so damn big, and everything is larger than life. But I'm happy for the moment, although nothing ever happens as fast as I want it to, and I'm really grateful for all we've managed to accomplish in such a short time. I'm eternally grateful for my old friends who've allowed me to crash land into their lives, whirling ball of chaos that I am, and have taken care of me so well.
Did you all enjoy the Hunter's Moon last weekend? It was powerfully huge out here and the opportunity was there so we decided to put together a last minute shoot and go in guerrilla style to the Bronson Caves. Makeup choices were made a la Karin Dreijer Andersson of Fever Ray fame, and the clothes assembled from a grab bag of various gothic fashionista's. Being a moon of luck and love, and heading into the dark abyss of the creative season for projects yet unknown, I decided to have a success sigil cast. There's something to be said for the power of three, and the sigil was the fourth and silent entity.
Behind the scenes with singer Yvette Lera who also did the makeup. |
It all fell together pretty well, and the timing was near perfect. People just assumed we were shooting a promo for American Horror Story and we let them think that. It was good to cast a spell with my sisters. It was good to feel the power of the earth under my bare feet again. It was good to see the crows wheeling in the stormy skies. It was more than good to feel the thrum of an enormous moon as it crested over the mountain ridge just as twilight was breathing its last breath. Truth be told, it was pretty damn close to orgasmic. But maybe that's just me being caught up in the ritual of it all.
My time is coming to an end here and the hour grows late. I have another photo shoot in the morning and have to be at least half prepared, so I'll leave you all with a couple of test images from the Hunter's Moon shoot.
And the curse be lifted never... Melissa St. Hilaire, Self, and Yvette Lera (photo by Marnie Shelton Klein)
That shall find and leave you one... Self, Yvette Lera, and Melissa St. Hilaire (photo by Marnie Shelton Klein)
When I woke up the next morning I got the fantastic news that L'Autre Monde (The Otherworld) had won one of the top top prizes at Morbido Film Festival in Mexico. I'm beyond thrilled and wanted to say thank you to everyone involved with this truly strange and beautiful project, and give my sincerest congratulations to my compadre, Richard Stanley, on the receiving the director award. We all bled a little for this project, but he has most of all.
Much love from where the worlds touch,
S - xx